Music Mix Concert, Sanctuary: JJ Collins and Friends, “Natural Woman”

Music Mix Concert, Sanctuary: JJ Collins and Friends, “Natural Woman”

March 2

J.J. Collins invites you to join in a celebration of the natural world through song, poetry and art. Special guest singers include Rebecca Flaherty, Julie Lokahi, Kate Thiem, Tegan Miller, and Jordyn Wilcox, with reader Patt Gunn. Our pianist will be Aaron Lehrian, joined by violinist Ricardo Ochoa, guitarist Ben Keiser, and drummer Jimmy Charles.

Natural Woman will serve as a reminder of the beauty that is all around us, free and accessible to all. During times of stress, division and chaos, it can be healing and grounding to return to grass and tree, bird and flower, sun and sky. A wine and cheese reception and special curated art exhibit follow the concert.

Tickets are $25 on Eventbrite and $30 at the door.

Children 12 years and older are welcome to attend.

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